Sanyo NCR18650BF 3350mAh (Red)
Official specifications:
- Rated capacity: min. 3200mAh
- Nominal capacity: min. 3250mAh, typ. 3350mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.6V
- Charging method: CC/CV
- Charging voltage: 4.20V
- Discharge voltage: 2.50V
- Charging current: std. 1625mAh
- Ambient temperatyre: Charge: 0°C ~ 45°C, discharge: -20°C ~ +60°C, storage -20°C ~ 50°C
- Weight (max): 46.5g
A high capacity cell from Sanyo/Panasonic, this version is improved over the NCR18650B version, but the specifications are the basically the same (My discharge curves are not).
The chart looks good with fairly good tracking between the cell (Sorry about missing one 7A track).
The cell has a reasonable temperature at 7A.
A fairly good high capacity battery, but superseded by the NCR18650GA
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries